
Mexico! 19/4/07


I, can you believe, am still trying to play catch up on my blog, so this is what I was thinking when I finally landed in Mexico City on the 19/4/07. I have decided to do an old post and a new post in order, so bare with me as I have already got some exciting things about to happen! 

A short flight from Guatemala City that had a rougher landing then I expected, I was greeted at the airport by Arturo Hernandez of and Antonio. Arturo is the president of the, Specialty Coffee Association of Mexico, better know as SCAM. I met Arturro in Managua, Nicaragua in Sept 06 at Ramacafe. He also runs a successful roastery, cafe and milling plant, I will fill you in on this coffee connoisseur in latter posts. They both take me straight to a beautiful hotel that was built for the Mexican Olympics back in the 60’s. The place is huge and still looks very contemporary, very ritzy indeed!

Antonio and Arturo

We sit over a deconstructed bloody Mary; sorry I didn’t catch the name of it. Basically it was a shot of sipping tequila and another shot glass full of tomato juice and some spices. Un-like western culture or should I say my culture we did not slam it back all in one go, rather, we sipped it to enjoy the flavors. Up until then I had no idea that there was such a thing as sipping tequila, its something I will have to acquire a taste for.

My feet, tis all!

Next we head to the “Rodao Drive” of Mexico City, this is where all the beautiful people hang out and I do mean beautiful. It was an eye pleasing change from rough and rugged Guatemala.  We passed numerous Ferrari and Masserati car dealerships surrounded by throngs of night clubs, to eventually pull over and are greeted by a valet parking attendant who eagerly takes Arturo’s Rang Rover keys off him. This Restaurant is brightly lit and looks very decadent, Arturo and Antonio tell me its Mexican fusion and the chef is very famous in Mexico. Arturo orders a lovely Mexican wine to accompany the Duck with a chocolate and chilly sauce drizzled over. I would have to say it was one of the best Mexican meals I have had to this date, Second only to Owen’s, my brother in law’s, Mexican Restaurant Amigos in Wollongong, Australia www.amigosmexican.com.au actually if you go to the photo gallery you can see a photo of a young bar man still so full of hope, named Deaton.Duck!!!!!

We order some fantastic wines from Mexico, I had no idea that they even existed, I’m so ignorant sometimes and within one hour or so of being in Mexico, this has become really apparent. By the time that we finished, get to my digs sorted, its past midnight so I go straight to bed. Am I getting old??? Don’t anyone dare comment on that last comment!


  1. Getting old?????? You really are catching up 🙂

  2. Yeah I know its silly but I have written everything already so it would be a shame not to post it… I’m so lazy! haha!

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