Archive for February, 2009


Intelligentsia Venice Renderings Revealed


If you want to have a read about our new cafe’s concept have a look here.

Also, here are some renderings that Kyle Glanville put up:

More photos of our GS2 that Terry Z is building for us (she’s a beaut):

Photos taken by Terry Z.


Intelligentsia 2008 Cruz del Sur Micro-lot


From Peru to you!

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20oz from Intelligentsia


Just found this today some how it slipped under my radar.The journalistic powers at the end of the clip leaves a lot to be desired.

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more about “20oz from Intelligentsia“, posted with vodpod

The not so coffee, coffee post.


The other day I happened to over hear a conversation from a coffee outsider but an avid coffee follower, talking about the blog sphere that our community has. He noted that when he looked back at some of the bloggers when they were new to the industry their post were fresh, innocent and somewhat cool. He then went on to note that as time went on, their blogs became a tool to be “cool” with spiteful criticisms raring its ugly head a little all to often…

In a moment of self reflection and in light of a couple of my last post, I think I am dangerously walking a thin line and could easily fall to the wrong side. With posts like In Season Coffee which created somewhat of a small stir I watched my blog states blow up and I have to say I loved it. I then started thinking, how do I now top that? What other questions or criticisms  can I pose?

I realize that I am frozen, a little nervous of what to type next and what content I should delve into? I feel I need to get back to the reason why I started this blog in the first place. To leave the content rich bloggers like James and Tony in the esteemed light that they deserve and have worked hard for, to go back to my simple, honest, travel type stories. To talk about coffee, coffees drank and the people that I have met along the way.  So I can take a snap shot, of my time, in that place, on this earth, before I forget.

With that in light the last few weeks have been a completely new life here in LA, my wife and I have reached a new equal librium with our surroundings. We are now fully enjoying the diverse lifestyle that this city can offer, even if you do have to drive to get to it.

Julia is learning to drive, that’s right Los Angeles, there are people out there in the world who don’t know nor need to drive. The poor girl has had no choice in the matter, with next to no good public transport.  To get to anywhere that is worth a visit, like her vintage market on Fairfax and Melrose , it’s just too far to ride on her almost broken bike. So with many an oh Shit and oh Fuck, we drive, sometimes smoothly,  sometimes fast and mostly wobbly down the road, with only one or two close encounters thus far. To her credit she has picked up the aggressive LA driving style, as opposed to the Sydney defensive driving style, a little to easily.

In the last two weeks I have been starting work at 9am, so I have taken that time in the morning to reconnect with our espresso bar. I really should of done this a long time ago, because it is great to see what a little community the bar has developed. Almost like Cheers every morning without fail I saw and exchange pleasantries with the Dr Frasier Crane’s, Woody Boyd’s and the Norm Petersons of the Silver lake store. For the first time I had a warm and fuzzy feeling of accomplishment, that all of this is a result of many long hours that the folk at Intelligentsia have worked hard for. Reconnecting with the bar has reminded me that this is truly why I am involved in coffee, for the community.

One last thing, as I have not done so already I would like to congratulate the guys at Intelligentsia for getting 1, 2 and 3 at the WRBC!

Oh, FYI, Nick, Devin and Ryan are back in the training room gearing up for the USBC, I can’t wait to see what they can achieve!

Good luck to all that are working hard for the USBC, I’ll be seeing you in Portland.

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more about “Julia’s first driving lesson“, posted with vodpod

USBC Teaser on Vimeo


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more about "USBC Teaser on Vimeo", posted with vodpod


Something nice


This email came into Colin (AKA phone guy) here at the roast works, in appreciation of the coffee that we donate to them.

Go to the link its worth a look


We are truly, very appreciative for the generous donation, once again. In
the future, please don’t hesitate to think of us, should you have anymore.

BTW… I thought you might find the link below interesting. It encapsulates
the essence of what our team does on the streets of Hollywood and
neighboring communities, every night.

Look here

Most appreciatively,

Rodolfo Salinas
Director of Community Outreach
PATH (People Assisting the Homeless)
5627 Fernwood Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90028


Tall poppy syndrome


Tall poppy syndrome
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS) is a pejorative term used in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand to describe what is seen as a leveling social attitude. Someone is said to be a target of tall poppy syndrome when his or her assumption of a higher economic, social, or political position is criticized as being presumptuous, attention seeking, or without merit. Alternatively, it is seen as a societal phenomenon in which people of genuine merit are criticized or resented because their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from their peers.

Just thought that I would introduce this term to those who are unaware…
